Welcome to my collection of flash fiction, short stories and other musings to engage, entice and excite. Come along on the journey, as I explore the roads less travelled.

About me


My name is Tony Zerafa. As an English teacher of more than two decades, a lifelong learner and lover of books of all kinds, I’ve always had a deep affinity with language and the power of stories. An aspiring flash fiction, poetry dabbler and short story writer, I am deeply interested in the human experience and the power of stories to shape people’s lives. The beauty of the natural world, imagery and my desire to immerse myself in the world of my characters provides inspiration for my work. I have been published by some of my local writing groups and aspire to ultimately produce a novella. Flash fiction appeals to me as a writer, as I enjoy the challenge of capturing imaginations through short prose. I will be adding to the blog regularly, so subscribe for regular updates.

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